<aside> ☕ A web3 learning community for builders



🗳️ Join the community and vote for web3 guide proposals to be written by other builders

🌳 Use peer-curated guides to learn about web3 building blocks and protocols

📝 Collaborate with developers to write guides and earn token rewards

<aside> 🕳️ If you’re curious about the Kafé stack, it’s built on Solana and leverages building blocks like Arweave, Ceramic, and The Graph. → Proposals & votes get stored on-chain → Member profiles are data streams on Ceramic → Indexing and searching will be powered by a subgraph → Guides are owned by authors and stored on Arweave’s permaweb


Enough words though, check out the prototype demo 🎥


So you want to be a writer? You’re in the right place 🤩

How to Publish a Guide


If you want to contribute to the codebase, drop us a line on Discord, write a new feature as an issue on our repo, or better yet → build it and pull request us 🏆

Kafé Docs Style Guide