The goal is to deliver a web3 unblocking experience like what we’re used to with Stack Overflow.

👉 Q&A Knowledge Base


How it Works ⚙️

Suppose you’re building an application to publish articles about web3 using Arweave as your storage layer. You’re trying to deploy but the deployment is failing with an error you can’t Google your way out of. You’re completely stuck, what to do…

You go to the Builder DAO forum, click on post a new topic, select the Question & Answer category, add a subject and a brief description of the problem.

When you click send, your question is immediately posted to the Builder DAO discord and Twitter account making it easy to discover by a big community of fellow web3 builders. The Arweave members of the core team are also notified right away.

A fellow builder notices the question, and thinks, “Aha! I ran into that same issue, and it was super frustrating. I can answer that.” She posts a reply.

You implemented the suggestion and it works! You’re so grateful that you send her a bit of $SOL directly on her post. The core team is notified that the answer has been accepted, validates it for accuracy, and sends her 0.1 $SOL as a reward.

Others with the same question come along over time and benefit from the answer as well. Some of them are gratefulness enough that they tip you both! All right on the forum 🚀

<aside> 🎬 Demo coming soon! ⌚


Quality Control 🪴

To advance the goal of delivering a great unblocking experience, the core team will moderate the Q&A forum based on the guidelines below.